Partnering for Success
At Johnson, Grossnickle and Associates, we’re more than advisors, we’re your partner.
We’ve lived in your shoes.
We’ve been fundraisers,development officers, and nonprofit leaders. Each of us has significant senior-level strategic planning, fundraising, nonprofit, and development experience. Whatever challenge you’re facing, it’s likely we’ve faced it too.
We’re your partner.
Every lesson we’ve learned goes into crafting opportunities and solutions that are strategically fine-tuned to meet your needs. You deserve our authentic best, and we set high standards for ourselves. You can count on us to represent and treat you with honesty and integrity in every situation.
The Team

Cole Borden
Data Analyst
Abigail L. Coleman

Rick Darnell
Adjunct Consultant
Loren Dent
Director of Marketing and Communications

Lee A. Ernst
CEO and Senior Consultant
Tyrone McKinley Freeman, Ph.D.
Adjunct Consultant

Brian Gawor
Consultant, Director of Business Development
Ted R. Grossnickle
Senior Consultant and Founder

Karen Hardewig, CPA
Gina M. Haze

Tom Hirschauer
Adjunct Consultant
Demetrees Hutchins, Ph.D.
Adjunct Consultant

John T. Keith
Senior Consultant
Maggie Maiyer
Client Service Coordinator

Brett McLaughlin
Writing Associate
Susan Oslos
Client Service Assistant

Fred Perry
Adjunct Consultant
John Thomas
Adjunct Consultant

Bente Weitekamp
Senior Consultant
Board Members

Ted R. Grossnickle
Board Chair
Mike Alley
Board Director

Haley Altman
Board Director
Lee A. Ernst
Board Director

Karen Hardewig, CPA
Board Secretary
John T. Keith
Board Director

Michael S. Miller
ESOP Trustee
John T. Thompson
Board Director